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LoL Odds | Guide, Tracker, and Best LoL Betting Odds for You

League of Legends is an eSports recordsman. In 2019, almost 4 million viewers watched the world’s grand final. Many of them are bettors.

To be one of them and achieve success, you must learn several things. Odds is one of them. Today’s page will explain LoL odds, how to use them, and their impact on your profit. We’re starting!

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Where to Find the Top LoL Betting Odds

First, you should choose a bookie with the best LoL odds. Start with events. Open a bookmaker and examine its League of Legends page for tournaments.

The more events you see, the better. But keep in mind that LoL has periods of low eSports activities. During them, even the best bookies offer a few matches.

Next are markets. A good LoL bookie should feature a match-winner, map-winner, totals, outrights, handicaps, first-blood drawer, and others. Bookies tend to provide more markets for bigger tournaments.

Finally, examine LoL odds. It means you must get them from several bookies (the best ones you find) and compare them. Higher values are better. The best League of Legends odds will give you a top profit.

Don’t want to research? Then consider GG.Bet, Betway, and Rivalry. These bookmakers have the best LoL odds and feature many tournaments and markets.

Understand League of Legends Odds Like an Expert

LoL odds serve two functions. They represent a line’s probable outcome and your profit when wagering on it. Let’s see how it works.

For instance, you’re betting on The Worlds match-winner between T1 and Dplus KIA. The odds are 1.50 to 1.90.

Looking at these LoL odds, a pro will instantly tell that T1 is more likely to win. A lower number indicates that. However, it’s not very probable, as the gap between the odds is just 0.40.

Let’s say you trust a bookie and wager $100 on T1. How much do you get? To know it, simply multiply your wager by the odd number. It results in $130. $30 here is a pure profit, while $100 is your wager returned.

Choose the Odds Format that Suits You

An example above features Decimal odds. But there are other formats. One of the most popular ones you’ll face is American odds.

It features two numbers, with minus and plus. A minus number shows how much you must wager to receive $100. While minus indicates how much you receive wagering $100.

Other popular LoL odds are fractional. These cause the most confusion among starting bettors. However, they’re easy. To understand them, multiply your wager by the first number, and after, divide it by the second. What you get is your pure win. But don’t forget to add your initial bet: it’ll be your total prize.

Don’t struggle to pick your type of League of Legends odds. All of them are just a different way of representing the same thing. Stick with the one you find convenient.

Why do Bookmakers Offer Different Odds for the Same Match?

Each bookmaker has its analytical department. It is a group of eSports pros who research an upcoming event/match to create odds. They do it differently. That’s why LoL odds at different bookies aren’t the same.

league of legends odds at gg,bet

The second thing that impacts League of Legends betting odds is the scale of the event. Betting sites tend to raise the odds for bigger competitions. It’s marketing. They know that events like The Worlds are trendy among bettors and try to win them over.

Best bookies race constantly. They strive to make the best League of Legends betting odds regardless of the event scale. And those are the sites you must choose, thanks to extra profit from their best LoL odds.

Try Different League of Legends Betting Markets to Find Favorable Odds

LoL betting odds differ on markets. But with their growth or decline, their difficulty changes, too. Experiment with it.

If you’re just starting to bet, stick with match-winner LoL betting lines. They’re the easiest. However, if you bet on an equal League of Legends match, your bet must be huge for a good profit.

Don’t want to risk? Then, move on to total bets. These allow you to bet whether a score goes over or under a given number. It requires better game analysis. But if you have it, you can pull lots of cash with totals.

However, analyzing upcoming games is tough. It’s much easier to do when watching live matches, seeing champions, and map situation. Live betting allows it.

Live markets feature a map winner, and if you can predict it based on champion drafts, you can win a lot. However, bet faster. Each probability shift changes your LoL betting odds.

When you’ve gained lots of LoL betting experience, it’s time to grind game-specific markets. These allow you to bet on:

  • First-blood drawer – a team/player who makes a first kill;
  • First Nashor kill – a team who takes a Baron Nashor first;
  • First dragon kill – a team that takes a Dragon first;
  • Dragon soul – a team that captures a dragon soul (collects 4 dragons);
  • First Elder Dragon kill – a team who kills a first Elder Dragon (spawns after a dragon soul is captured);
  • Most kills on a map – a player with the most kills on a map;
  • Most deaths on a map – a player with the most deaths on a map;
  • First tower destroyed – a team who destroys an enemy’s tower first;
  • First inhibitor destroyed – a team that destroys an enemy’s inhibitor first;
  • Penta kill – if someone performs a penta kill (kills 5 opponents in a row).

To make the most of these markets and their LoL odds, you must have specific knowledge. For instance, teams with Shyvana are more likely to defeat dragons. So, as soon as you see this dragon slayer in the draft, wagering on her team to kill a dragon first is a good idea.

Analyze the Odds and Make More Successful LoL Predictions

You already know that LoL betting odds show an implied probability. It’s handy for beginners. If you currently struggle to predict the match’s outcome, use odds.

But don’t trust them for 100%. Remember that even the best LoL betting odds can be wrong. That’s why you should learn to analyze games as quickly as possible and make your predictions.

You can speed this up. Learn League of Legends well, examine its META, and your bets will be more accurate. YouTube guides and reviews will help.

Why Betting with Us is the Best Decision?

We’re an eSports platform with some of the best League of Legends betting odds. Bet on them. To simplify this process, we have numerous features.

🔸 All LoL Matches on the Schedule

We schedule all LoL matches. You can browse through them, learning when they start and their LoL betting odds. Use it for planning. Determine all the upcoming games that you’re interested in and get ready to wager.

Such an approach is great for your betting budget. Now, you know a long time before an event happens how much cash you’ll wager on it.

🔸 Free Broadcasts

We make live betting simple. We have broadcasts for all the games we enable live bets on. It impacts your profit.

As live LoL betting odds change constantly, the slightest stream delay can steal your dollars. It doesn’t happen here. Our stream has the lowest delay possible, and our analytics change the odds according to it, too. Just be faster than they are.

In addition, a free broadcast is a tool of convenience. Hence, you don’t have to look for a proper stream of the match you’ve wagered on.